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Good to see so many riders out last night making up 3 great groups on the 1st Club Chaingang of the year – what a nice evening for it too.

Looking ahead to the weekend, and into next week, here are the club rides planned.

Sat 23/04 – St Georges Day Cotswold Way. Join us on one of our first club away day rides for 2022 and take in some great scenery around the Cotswold edge and North Wilts’. Route of 60 miles and with a top coffee stop, and starting/finishing at a pub ! Meeting at the Fox and Hounds, Badminton, GL9 1HW at 09.00 am for a 09.15 ride off with Chris P. Link to more details, ride sign-on and downloadable route:

Sun 24/04 – Sunday Social Ride. Our usual Sunday get-together with riders going out in small groups of similar ability, and if no pre-planned route then agreeing routes/distance/speed with each other on the day. Leaving at 09.30 am from Café Marina, Kestrel Court. Link to more details and ride sign-on:

Tuesday 26/04 – Evening Mystery Tour. L3 Social ride of appx’ 35 miles and allegedly searching for the mystical unicorn of Nth Somerset (used to be a hyena back in my day), followed by post ride refreshment ! Lights needed please. Leaving at 18.00hrs from Café Marina, Kestrel Court with Stuart L. Link to more details, ride sign-on and downloadable route:

Weds 27/04 – Hump-Day Ride. The return of our weekly summer-time Weds’ eve rides. Riding a different route each week with a local “hump” thrown in, then ending at either the Windmill, Kicker or Priory hostelry’s. Lights needed please. Leaving at 18.30hrs from Café Marina, Kestrel Court with Dave C. Link to more details, ride sign-on and downloadable route:

Thurs 28/04 – Club Chaingang. Our weekly training session has already started with a bang. All levels are welcome to ride 1, 2 or 3 laps in close peloton/through-and-off style around a safe and level route over Yatton Moor. Ideal to improve on your group riding skills and fitness, and with instruction given for all newer chain-gang riders. Groups to be mixed by ability, so the more that attend, then the more variety and groups can be arranged. Meeting at 18.30 hrs at Café Marina to ride to the start point at the Police horse centre next to Hand Stadium, or at 18.55hrs directly at the start point if more convenient. Lights needed please. Link to more details and ride sign-on:

As usual, please check on club social media prior to each ride in case of any variations or cancellations.

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